Difference Between Paid Promote and Endorses for Business Owners

Difference Between Paid Promote and Endorses – If you have an online business or are often involved in the world of the internet or social media, of course you are familiar with these two terms. Paid promote and endorse are one of the marketing strategies that are often done in today’s digital era. Especially in the era of social media that has become very popular, for example, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Tiktok.

At a glance, the paid promote and endorse look the same. However, the actual activities to the goals are different. Likewise with the results of the two will be different too. If you are an online businessman who wants to advertise your products through endorsements or paid promotions, you must understand the difference between the two. And choose which one is the most suitable to promote your product.

But before knowing what are the differences between Paid Promote and Endorses strategies. You need to know more in depth about what paid promote is and what endorse means.

What Is Paid Promote?

Paid promote is usually abbreviated as PP and has the meaning of paid promotion in Indonesian. This means paid promotions through KOL or Key Opinion Leaders such as influencers, celebrities, or media that will display information or brand or product campaigns through content that you have prepared. They just need to upload it on social media accounts.

So that followers of influencers, celebrities, or media that you contract with will see your posts. However, if the account interaction is good, it is not impossible that your post will enter the explore tab so that more social media users can also access it.

What Is Endorse?

Like paid promotion, endorsers also use Key Opinion Leaders like influencers to promote products. However, the difference is that the product will be given to influencers. Then the influencer will review and create content about the product. Positive reviews from influencers on social media are certainly very influential, such as word of mouth marketing techniques or word of mouth.

So that the endorsed content is entirely created by influencers according to their own style. If you want to choose an influencer, make sure your target market is in accordance with the audience of the influencer. For example, if you endorse a baby clothes product to an influencer who likes to talk about skincare, of course it doesn’t suit the target market and will most likely lose money.

The Difference Between Paid Promote and Endorsement

After understanding each of the meanings of paid promote and endorse, you also need to know the difference to be able to know which strategy will suit your product promotion.

1. Promotion Mechanism

You can clearly see the difference in the promotion mechanism on influencer accounts that open PP or endorse services. In the paid promote system, the brand will send materials in the form of photos, pictures, and captions. Then the influencer will upload it to social media. And no need to send items for review.

While endorse, the business owner will give the product to the influencer to use and review. After that, it is the influencer who will create content according to his experience when using the product.

2. Advertising Media

Even though they are both uploaded on social media, the media used is different. Paid promote usually targets public accounts that have a lot of followers, such as gossip accounts, funny info accounts, catalog info, and so on.

To endorse, usually will choose a personal influencer account. The number of followers is sometimes not the main benchmark, but is concerned with choosing an influencer audience that must match the brand’s target market.

3. Price Difference

Prices for paid promote are usually lower, because brand owners only provide material content and influencers only post. However, for endore, the price is a little more expensive and you also need to send items to be tested directly by influencers.

Likewise with Influencers who create their own content and require a lot of time and creativity. Therefore, the majority of the endorsement prices are more expensive than the prices for paid promotions.

4. Promotional Purpose

There are also striking differences in the promotion targets. Usually paid promote aims to promote something directly and limited to short-term goals. For example, promoting a discount that is valid only on certain days and includes hard selling. So that people who see it will be interested and immediately make a purchase.

However, endorsement aims to soft selling and increase audience awareness of certain brands and has long-term goals. So it could be that the audience does not buy directly, but he gets new references about a product. It could be that he will buy it later in the future when he is paid or when he needs the product.

When are you ready to endorse or be paid to promote?

Before you do a promotion, make sure your sales account is neatly organized. It’s like endorse or paid promote, you invite people to come to your shop. If a lot of people are interested in the invitation but after it arrives your shop is messy and incomplete. Of course the buyer will be disappointed and will not buy from your shop, right?

Then make sure you have prepared enough stock to be able to meet buyer requests. Don’t let your product go viral, lots of people buy it but they always run out and never get one. Customers will be disappointed and look for a replacement product.

Finally, prepare a special marketing budget to pay for a paid promote or endorse. Don’t interfere with your financial cash flow because the results from paid promotions and endorsements cannot be guessed with certainty.

How, have you illustrated the difference between paid promote and endorse? Also make sure the purpose and target market of your product promotion is to choose between these two types of digital marketing strategies so you don’t lose out. That Difference Between Paid Promote and Endorses.

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