What is E-Commerce

What is E-Commerce this changing digital world, there have been many technologies that have opened up opportunities to run a business. Running a business means looking for as much profit as possible in a selling business.

One technology that is often used to run a business is e-commerce. And place where selling is easier and more convenient.

Maybe you do not really understand the name of E-commerce technology. Because it will be reviewed from the understanding in along with, for example, what it looks like and you must also know that E-commerce in marketplace are different.

In this article Smart Opportunities will explain and what are the types and examples of businesses related to the e commerce mechanism. Here’s the description.

What Is E-Commerce?

Before understanding the understanding of E-commerce, it seems to have a summary of Electronic Commerce. E-commerce as a place to carry out the process of buying and marketing products and services that are carried out online via computer or mobile networks.

Some examples of goods that can be offered with e-commerce such as Tv, Electronics, clothing, computers, and still there are others.

By buying or selling one product in E-commerce, it is easier to make transactions. Items that are needed with a customer are easier to obtain.

Plus E-commerce with changes in digital technology today makes it easier. For everyone’s work for you, a business person, you can take advantage of this E-commerce so you don’t miss out.

E-commerce Example

What are examples of E-commerce? For example yourself you often use it but don’t know it and if you buy clothes online via Shoppe. Shoppe is one of the examples of this e-commerce.

There are many other e-commerce such as Tokopedia, Lazada, Shoppe, BukaLapak, and there are many more. Everything uses an internet connection to be able to access it.

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Benefits Of Running An E-Commerce

It’s easier to find the items to buy. When you shop at a store, it’s possible that item you need is missing or out of stock. By using E-commerce, it is easier to find what you are looking for.
Shopping doesn’t need to be face-to-face, it’s done online.

Generally, when shopping, there is more direct contact between sellers and consumers, but when using commerce, there is no need to meet face-to-face.

The marketing process is easier, quicker and on time. Chances are you’re too lazy to buy things you can directly get it from E-commerce when you are lazy to leave the house.

Easier to increase profits in sales. Profits are increasingly easier to get with this e-commerce.

Transactions between sellers and consumers are getting safer. When buying goods in e-commerce, for example, goods have not arrived, money can be returned from the e-commerce faction but must meet the applicable requirements.
E-commerce and Marketplace dissimilarities.

The dissimilarity of these types of marketplaces is not that much different. For E-commerce, it is increasingly possible for all types of business transactions which can be carried out online. And every product is more competitive with other stores.

And for the marketplace in business transactions, there are fewer and less variety of products. Plus, there is no need to compete with other products that sell in the same place. After comparing between e-commerce and this marketplace, the difference can be seen very clearly.

Threats To E-Commerce Business

After we discussed What is E-Commerce. Now we will discuss what are the threats to this e-commerce business. Threats as opportunities for events that can harm valuable assets. There are many forms of terror that are possible :

1. Penetration System

The first threat is the penetration system. Some people who do not have the right to access computer systems can and are allowed to do everything the same as they want.

2. Authorization Violation

The second threat is the authorization violation. Violation or deviation of legal power that is owned by a person who has the right to be connected to a system.

3. Planting

Entering something into a system that is considered legal but will not be legal in the future.

4. Monitoring Communications

One can monitor all confidential information by performing a simple communication monitor at one place on the communication network.

5. Communications Tampering

Anything that harms the confidentiality of someone’s information without being penetrative. Such as changing business transaction information in the middle of the road or creating a fake server system that can trick people into giving out their confidential information voluntarily.

6. Denial Of Service

It prevents someone from connecting with information, resources, and other facilities.

7. Repudiation

Appearance in a business transaction activity or a communication, whether intentional or unintentional.

What Types Of E-commerce Are There In Indonesia?

Okay after we have discussed and what is meant by then we will discuss the existing threats.

When asked to explain, changes in ecommerce in Indonesia can be said to be really fast and when compared to other countries, it is around us.

As you can see for yourself, if growing more and more as time goes by of course. This adjusts to the needs of the market and which is increasingly liking online shopping activities.

In general, there are many types that are developing in Indonesia. For those of you who are interested in entering the world of electronic business by making an e-commercial.

In the following, several types of e-commerce in Indonesia will be thoroughly reviewed.

What is the Nature and Scope of Ecommerce?

1. Business To Business

This type of e-commerce has the greatest ratio because business transactions have been carried out are between companies. In business to business, business transaction activities are carried out physically and electronically.

And the customers are a line that started a business. Examples are distributors, resellers, and others.

2. Business To Consumers

This is the most popular type of e-commerce, particularly in Indonesia. Where the producer or company (selling faction), market the product directly.

With consumers (users) as the market’s prey. So, for example, an online-based retail store. Where consumers can buy products in the middle, without a certain minimum quantity.

3. Consumer To Business

In the consumer to business type, marketing business transactions are carried out by customer factions. And companies are the target market.

Then personally make an offer about a product in the form of goods or services. To several companies in need. Let’s say a graphic designer who offers his skills.

4. Consumer To Consumer

This type of e-commerce is implemented from customer to customer. Categorization is divided into 2 modes, namely classifed and marketplace.

If it’s classified, buyers and sellers do business transactions directly.

And in the marketplace, customers (sellers) need a base for business transactions to be made. An example of a marketplace, namely Shopee.

5. Business To Administration

In this type of e-commerce, business people sell goods and services by using government agencies as a market. The business transactions that have been carried out in the form of tenders.

6. Online To Offline

In the current era, this type of e-commerce is really famous. Where the seller faction does promo activities, finds consumers, and provides products by utilizing online networks as a medium.


E-commerce as a place to buy and sell products or services that are carried out via the Internet. Each of your goods and products can be marketed there, no need to have a large office. Also provides many business transactions that are easier.

Thus the review of “What is E-commerce “. I hope it will be useful and useful for friends who study with portal viral, yes.

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